Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Plastic Straws In The Palisades...

"Strawless In The Palisades"...  Efforts have already begun with local students campaigning for the end of #PlasticStraws, as previously reported several months ago in the Palisadian-Post.  Local Restaurants and markets, however, by and large, have yet to make the switch to #PaperStraws.

Individuals and residents have lobbied new vendors set to open at #PalisadesVillage in Sept. 2018 to not use #PlasticStraws.

Surprisingly, however, perhaps the largest seller of #PlasticStraws in the Palisades is Ralph's Market at 15120 Sunset Blvd.  Walking the aisles recently in this recently remodeled and reconfigured Ralph's Market in the heart of the village, I was shocked at HOW MANY plastic straws are offered and promoted THROUGHOUT the store.  Check it out!  I counted FIVE (5) separate aisles that had them prominently displayed at the end of each aisle.

Plastic Straws, after all, are a leading source of PLASTIC POLLUTION:

Here are the photos from last nite at Ralph's Market in the Palisades:

And who manufactures and distributes these plastic straws?  I'm glad you asked because this manufacturer/distributor should be put on notice that they need to switch to #PaperStraws
as soon as possible and to stop making these plastic straws.

Inter-American Products
Cincinnati, OH  45202
Made in China
100 count


Ralph's Market is REALLY PUSHING plastic straws. These plastic straws are not recyclable.  It is remarkable that Ralph's is so heavily promoting the sale of this product line.  Given their threat to the environment, and esp. the Ocean and sea life, this heavy handed merchandising is really troubling.

Here's to hoping postings and communication about this troubling practice will result in Ralph's Market addressing this important environmental issue.

The Palisades Chamber of Commerce and its membership should also address this issue as part of a village wide effort to drastically reduce the use of "single-use" plastic by businesses in the Palisades.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Maguire

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