Dateline: Saturday, September 26, 2020.
Saturday Scripture... (RSV)
Ephesians 5:6 - 13. (6) Let no one deceive you with
empty words, for it is because of these things that the Wrath of God
comes upon the sons of disobedience. (7) Therefore, do not associate
with them, (8) for once you were darkness, but now you are light in the
Lord; walk as children of light (9) for the fruit of light is found in
all that is good and right and true, (10) and try to learn what is
pleasing to the Lord. (11) Take no part in the unfruitful works of
darkness, but instead expose them. (12) For it is a shame even to speak
of the things that they do in secret; (13) but when anything is exposed
by the light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is
light. (emphasis added).
My Commentary:
Most prophetically, here are the key remarks that portend what Trump is doing. (1) Trump speaks with "empty words" (lies, fabrications) and the wrath of God will fall upon him as well as those complicit in his misdeeds. (2) Do not associate with them as they are devoid of integrity and seek to undermine the Constitution for their own selfish purposes (which is, of course, treason). (3) Walk as children of light, e.g., do the right thing, be honest, act with integrity). (4) do not participate in Trump's works of darkness, (5) but instead EXPOSE these works of darkness and bring them into the light, e.g., peacefully protest, express yourself as is legal under the First Amendment. In fact, shout out and demonstrably convey the evil, the hate, the lies, the fabrications, the 200K deaths to date from the virus due to Trump's failure of leadership and lies to the American public calling the virus a #Hoax while knowing full well since early Feb. 2020 that the virus was lethal.
Trump's works of darkness also include his constant character assassinations of people that oppose him, his undermining of the USPS just a few months before the Nov. 2020 Election, his constant lies about mail-in voting, his threatening not to leave the White House peacefully if he does not win the Election, his sending federal agents to Portland over this past summer and who engaged in acts of violence and illegal arrests and kidnapping of American citizens, his incitement of violence (Charlottesville, Kenosha), his support of the teenage killer in Kenosha who drove across state lines with an automatic weapon that was not his and for which he was unlicensed, Trump's pandering to White Supremacists, his continued refusal to confront Putin, his providing trillions and billions of dollars to the wealthy and to the Pentagon but funding peanuts to the American Public during this pandemic. He is, in short, a cancer on our Democracy and his combined actions and word are those of a #Fascist.
Respectfully submitted,
Will Maguire,
Attorney at law (since 1981), and
First Responder since 1974.
*** My commentary represents my opinion which is protected speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. ***
Additional Commentary: Trump is the single greatest threat to our *** Democracy and to the Constitution, not to mention that he disbanded the pandemic task force, lied about the virus to the American public calling it a Hoax... and we are now at 200K American citizens dead and climbing... a number that leads the world... and in the greatest country in the world, the USA. He is literally a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the American people. His inaction and misrepresentations are literally killing people. How many more have to die? How many more will die because of his criminal negligence? He is more interested in saving the stock market than in saving American lives. He is a con man, a liar, a cheat and a thief. He has disrupted the USPS and just before the election and now he is lying about mail in balloting fraud that does not exist and this past week got shut down in court after showing zero evidence of such. He intentionally creates chaos and, in fact, incites violence (Charlottesville, Kenosha), panders to white supremacists, and refuses to confront Putin. But heck he is propping up the stock market and giving billions to the Pentagon and to the wealthy... so there is that. ( *** - )