Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday Rain Storm and Mud Flow #90272...

Dateline: Friday, February 17, 2017, in Pacific Palisades, the latest rain storm is upon us dropping copious and heavy amounts of rain, as well as wind...  Here are some photos and a video I took this afternoon after 3:30 pm approximately showing the rain flowing along the curbs, in the streets, as well as mud flow emanating from the ongoing Caruso commercial development adjacent to Swarthmore Ave.

*** Video Alert ! ***

Caruso Mud Flow #90272: The Video

comment: this mud flow from the Caruso development appears to be unchecked and indicates significant erosion occurring on the Caruso property that is now flowing onto adjacent third party private property, as well as the nearby public alley and public street.


Be careful out there...

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire

(All photos and video by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Beach Trash At Will Rogers State Beach

Dateline: Thursday morning, February 16, 2017... along the shoreline between Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ and Santa Monica Canyon and back...  I took a walk this morning along this approximately one-half mile stretch of beach and was unpleasantly surprised by the volume of #beachtrash along the water's edge, aka, between the berm and the ocean.  The following photos and videos show the extent of the #beachtrash along the water's edge that is apparently not being collected and/or disposed of by L.A. County Dept. of Beaches & Harbors (@lacdbh).

During my walk I saw a friend of mine who lives in Santa Monica Canyon and he said he walks the beach most mornings and that it is not unusual to see #beachtrash between the berm and the ocean, e.g., along the water's edge.

Hopefully, this blog post will remind the @lacdbh of its responsibility to clean up #beachtrash along the water's edge regularly.  This is a section of the beach where a great many beach patrons walk along the shoreline and where wildlife such as birds congregate.  The #beachtrash in this area of the beach along the water's edge needs to be hand picked by @ladbh personnel regularly.

*** Video Alert ! ***

Will Rogers Beach Trash: The Video

Below, Sand Bag #1...

Sand Bag #2, below...

Sand Bag #3, below...

*** Video Alert !  ***

Santa Monica Canyon At Water's Edge: The Video

Above and below, you can easily see where the tractor and rake reaches the berm but does not go all the way to the water's edge. It is the area between where the tractor and rake stops and the water's edge that is where the #beachtrash is located that we took photos of and where the #beachtrash is not being collected and/or disposed of properly...

Hopefully, @lacdbh will send a crew out here right away and hand pick up this #beachtrash so that it does not get washed back into the ocean.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,

(All photos and videos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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